Humboldt Hall of Fame Awards Banquet


The Annual Awards Banquet for the Humboldt Athletic Hall of Fame will take place October 12th at Humboldt High School, beginning at 5pm!

Ticket includes Dinner, Tour, Awards Ceremony.

Prefer to pay by check? Please make it out to Humboldt H-Club, and mail to 537 Simard Street, Mendota Heights, MN 55118

Prefer paying with Venmo? Click HERE

Congratulations to The 2023 Hall of Fame Inductees

1957- Willie Chavez

1965- Will Augst

1965-Chip Schwartz

1967-Tom Sanchez

1971-Gary Winge

1973-Felix Casillas, Jr.

1975-Don Day

1979-Tim Pieper

1987-Scott Munos

2004-Katie Nielsen Abraham

Team: 2002 Adaptive Soccer Team

Coach: Matt Osborne

Lifetime Achievement Award: West Side Boosters

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